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Can cats see ghosts?


The differences between human and cat vision have inspired curious minds and various theories for millennia. The question of whether cats see things humans cannot has long been at the center of various animal behavior studies. Through expanding scientific research, it is becoming increasingly clear that the visual experience of cats does indeed differ from that of humans.

Researchers point out that one key difference lies in the type of cells found in the optic nerve. In humans, the center of the retina is dedicated to sharp vision, while in cats, peripheral vision dominates. This means that cats perceive peripheral space and moving objects better than humans.

Furthermore, the number of cells in the cat’s optic nerve differs from that of humans. Humans perceive colors based on three primary colors (red, green, blue), while cats perceive only two primary colors (blue and yellow). This implies that the cat’s world may be less colorful, but they are more sensitive to low-light conditions.

This distinct vision can have wide-ranging effects on the everyday feline experience. For instance, cats can better see prey or nocturnal predators in low-light conditions. However, cat vision is less suitable for grasping details on distant objects, indicating a lack of sharp vision.

Another interesting aspect is that cats can see things originating from ultraviolet light sources and perceive invisible patterns on certain objects or plants that remain hidden from the human eye.

While scientific research does not support the paranormal abilities of cats, many still associate them with mysterious and supernatural phenomena. Throughout history, cats have become subjects of numerous myths and beliefs, some of which are related to their paranormal activities.

Some claim that cats can see ghosts or sense supernatural energies. Their mysterious and sudden behaviors, such as sudden jumps or prolonged focused stares at something invisible, may sometimes seem paranormal. However, the scientific community generally attributes such behavioral signs to the cat’s excellent senses and hunting instincts rather than supernatural activities.

In conclusion, these pieces of information collectively show that while cats’ visual experiences differ from humans, it is not necessarily eerie; rather, it is unique and adapted to their predatory lifestyle. Cats can perceive things hidden from human vision, contributing to their sharp senses and better adaptation to their environment.